• The hypothyroid Weight Loss Diet Plan is designed to help people with hypothyroidism lose weight over a 4-week period.
  • Foods to Avoid: Bok choy, turnip, watercress, radish, soya, and Brussels sprouts may interfere with thyroid function.
  • Gluten-Free Approach: To reduce inflammation and enhance thyroid function, avoid gluten-containing foods such as wheat flour, corn flour, bread, cakes, pies, cookies, pasta, and malt.
  • To avoid potential thyroid-related disruptions, choose non-dairy alternatives to conventional cow's milk products such as cheese, butter, whey, casein, and cream.
  • Personalized Meal Plans: Personalized meal plans emphasise nutrient-dense meals that assist weight loss while also maintaining thyroid health. Individual preferences, adding supplements with meals, and dietary limitations will be taken into account to ensure a successful journey.