What is Flatulence and What are the Reasons for Excessive Farting?
There are many reasons for farting too much. Most of the time, farting, also known as passing gas or flatulence is completely normal. But excessive gas can be a sign that something may not be quite right.
Learn how to tell the difference between normal, healthy flatulence and flatulence that indicates a problem.
Learn how to stop the excessive passing of gas and even how to prevent flatulence completely.
If you have noticed that you seem to be farting more lately, I'm sure you are wondering about the reasons for excessive farting. Usually, it is perfectly normal to pass gas, though it can be embarrassing and inconvenient especially if it is noisy or smelly and it happens in public. After reading this article, you will understand more about flatulence, be able to tell whether it is really a problem or not, and tips you can follow to decrease the amount of gas you pass.
What is a Fart?
The science says gas is created during digestion. Our bodies generate anything from 2 to 6 cups (around 14-21 farts) of gas per day which builds up and then needs to be released. Most of the time this is perfectly normal, which I do not think is normal. I get to believe this because once I changed my diet and lifestyle it completely disappeared. Maybe this health advice is from the people, who think its normal to get diseases as we age. Let's understand what causes it how to completely eliminate from your life.
What is Flatulence?
Flatulence, commonly known as passing gas, is the release of intestinal gas from the rectum. It is a natural biological process that results from the digestion and fermentation of food in the gastrointestinal tract. On average, people experience flatulence between 13 and 21 times a day, according to the National Institutes of Health.
What Causes Flatulence?
Our bodies struggle to break down certain foods, usually sugars and starchy foods, but also sometimes protein, and this creates gas. Some foods often also cause gas and can increase the smell.
Other Causes of Excessive Gas are:
- Drinking with straws
- Soft drinks
- Chewing gum
- Chewing with your mouth open
What Your Fart Means?
1. Just Loud
This is normal, and often just has to do with your muscles and the gas buildup. Your gut bacteria working to keep you healthy by eliminating toxins, fighting off harmful bacteria, and helping with the absorption of nutrients from your food can generate gas and sometimes that won't smell like anything. Around 99% of farts actually don't have a smell. Often there will also be no smell or sound and most people don't even realize that they are passing gas some of the time.
2. Stinky Gas
The smell is often caused cruciferous foods and other foods that contain a lot of sulfur. Hydrogen-sulfide, in particular, is what gives your gas that smell and is actually a sign of health in many cases. Methanethiol and dimethyl sulfide are also responsible for smells and are usually found in some foods or are caused by the bacteria in your stomach. But sometimes if your farts are extremely stinky, it can signify other problems particularly if you experience a lot of gas and bloating after eating the following:
Dairy: This can signify lactose intolerance. Not everyone is completely lactose intolerant, so you may only notice it if you eat something dairy that hasn't been fermented like ice cream or milk, or you may find it only happens after you eat a certain amount of dairy. Look out for cramps and/or diarrhea too.
Gluten/Wheat: You may have a sensitivity to wheat or gluten. You may also be gluten intolerant or have celiac disease. If you have frothy stools, stomach pains, and bloating, as well as the gas, definitely get tests done. If you continue to grains if you are intolerant or have a sensitivity, it can cause a lot of damage to your intestines over time.
Spicy Foods: If you eat spicy foods or hard to digest foods and you find that you have flatulence immediately afterward, or that you have cramps, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea as well, this could indicate IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome).
If you eat anything and it causes an excessive amount of gas, you could have an allergy, food sensitivity or a condition affecting the digestive system, especially if accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. But be aware that changes in your diet, such as suddenly eating more fiber may also cause excess flatulence until your body becomes used to digesting more fiber.
My personal story. My little get Diarrhea when she drinks cow milk and gets constipated when she drinks formula milk. Under 6 months, she also used to get stomach cramps after drinking formula milk. Now I just give her Almond Milk or Coconut milk in the form of Golden Milk ( It is prepared with turmeric )
Symptoms for Excessive Farting
Depending on your body, because we are all different, the following symptoms may be a sign that you have excessive gas:
- Farting too much
- Burping a lot
- Feeling pressure or gas moving or bubbling around in your stomach constantly
- Being constantly bloated or crampy as sometimes the gas becomes trapped
Why Do Babies and Old People Pass Gas More Often?
Babies tend to be gassy for many of the same reasons we are. They often may have more gas because their digestive systems are not fully developed yet and also need to get used to any new food that is introduced into their diets. They also tend to take in the air when they feed and cry. Flatulence in babies is not something to worry about unless they show signs of distress and they also have diarrhea, constipation, allergy symptoms or any other symptoms mentioned above.
If you are burping your baby but he or she still seems to be in pain, it could also signify something more such as colic. If your baby has a fever it could mean that he or she is sick with something else. A fever is not necessarily serious, read this article about treating a fever naturally. But should the symptoms worsen or diarrhea or constipation last for more than a day, a trip to the doctor may be in order. A pediatrician will be able to run tests to check for allergies, viral or bacterial infections.
The Elderly
Older people also become gassy for the same reasons we do. But they also need to contend with their digestive systems slowing down which usually creates more gas and medication where some of the side effects are flatulence. If they have loose dentures they may also be swallowing more air than before. Lack of activity can also end up causing more gas due to poorer digestion. Unless they show specific symptoms such as those mentioned to be aware of, it's usually completely normal.
Foods That Cause Gas
Many of these foods are healthy, so you should not be cutting them out, but others can be done away with. I found that since I started eating a low carb diet, I have no more flatulence.
Foods You Should Consume

- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Bok choy
- Collard greens
- Onions
- Kale
- Brussels sprouts
Green juices, because they often contain these sulfuric vegetables, can also cause flatulence, but as your body becomes accustomed to them, it should do it less and less. Green juices are extremely healthy, read more about juicing for health here. In fact, because juices are easier on your stomach, you may find that you have fewer digestive issues when you consume them.
Foods You Should Minimize or Cut Out
- Grains, not just the gluten-containing grains, but the gluten-free grains too
- Processed foods
- High sugar foods including fruit. If you can't do without sweetness, check out these healthy sugar substitutes.
- Unhealthy fatty foods
- Starchy vegetables like potatoes, keep these to a minimum
- Fizzy drinks
Beans and nuts are also sometimes culprits. Soaking them before you eat them may help. These are foods that you don't need to eat in large quantities but do have health benefits when prepared (soaking) correctly. Beans need to be boiled but do not cook the nuts as that will destroy the healthy fats in them.
Too Much Fiber Can Cause Excessive Gas
Anytime that someone switches over to a high fiber diet or adds extra fiber to their diet, you may notice that there is passing of excessive amounts of gas. There is a reason that the labels on fiber supplements say to start with a small dose. The excessive flatulence usually goes away once the body becomes used to it. Having said that, eating excessive amounts of fiber is not always a good idea:
- If you have Crohn's disease, too much fiber can cause an intestinal blockage
- If you are diabetic, it can lower your blood sugar levels which if you tend to be hypoglycemic or need to use insulin to keep your blood sugar levels stable, can cause problems.
- If you don't drink enough water then a high-fiber diet is problematic.
We are all different, so you will know best about your body. If the flatulence, bloating, diarrhea don't go away, it could be a sign that you are eating too much fiber.
How Much Fiber Do We Actually Need: Women: 25g and Men: 38g
Candida or SIBO
Candida or SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) can also cause excessive gas and bloating. Any time that your gut has imbalances or has bad bacteria it can cause things like diarrhea, constipation, cramps, flatulence, bloating, and even nausea and vomiting.
How to Prevent Passing Excessive Amounts of Gas? (Home Remedies For Flatulence)
1. Try an Elimination Diet
Eliminate common foods one by one. One food allergy, lactose intolerance, explains why some people get flatulence from dairy products. People with lactose intolerance lack an intestinal enzyme to break down lactose, so it passes undigested into your large intestines, where it produces gas.
Other common foods to eliminate:

- Foods containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye, couscous, spelt, spaghetti, beer, bread, baked goods)
- Other Grains
- Spicy foods
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Fruit and vegetables (for example, some people are allergic to strawberries)
Eliminate the foods one at a time, leaving the vegetables only if nothing else is the trigger. Don't eat that specific food for a week or two and see if symptoms improve. If they don't it could be something else. If the symptoms do go away and then come back when you reintroduce the food, you have found the culprit.
2. Probiotic Foods
Probiotics are good bacteria that improve digestion, get rid of the bad bacteria and toxins, and improve our immune systems among other things. Consuming probiotics often combats flatulence, bloating, diarrhea and nasty bacteria like candida.
The following foods are probiotic:
- Kefir
- Kimchi
- Sauerkraut
- Miso
- Yogurt
- Curd
You can also try a probiotic supplement.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Drinking apple cider vinegar, a prebiotic which means it also feeds the good bacteria in your gut, before meals can help you to digest your food better. Drink 1 tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water.
4. Herbs And Spices That Calm Your Gut And Improve Digestion
- Peppermint
- Ginger
- Chamomile
- Fennel
- Turmeric
- Sage
- Coriander
- Dandelion
- Milk thistle
Add them to your meals, smoothies, or drink them as a tea after a meal.
Other Tips To Reduce Flatulence

Chew Properly: Chewing a little longer can help, especially with carbohydrate foods (pasta, potatoes, quinoa, etc) because your saliva helps to break the carbohydrates down. The pieces of food will be smaller and the cell walls damaged which makes them easier to digest. Also, chew with your mouth closed to avoid swallowing air.
Digestive Enzymes: Digestive enzymes can help to reduce excess gas and bloating because they help your body to digest the food easier. You can opt for a supplement.
Activated Charcoal: For some people, activated charcoal might help. The results of studies done have been inconsistent, so likely, it depends on what works for your body. This study suggests that activated charcoal may work better in conjunction with magnesium and simethicone.
Bone Broth: Bone broth contains gelatin, glycine, glutamine, and other nutrients that heal the gut. If your excess flatulence is caused by leaky gut or just poor gut health in general, adding bone broth to your diet once or twice a week will be really helpful.
Cook Correctly: When you cook food for too long or at very high temperatures you damage the food. For example, cooking with olive oil can damage the fatty acids in it and cause it to become unhealthy fat. The same is true for meat that has been cooked for too long or at very high heats which damage the protein. Learn about the healthiest cooking methods here.
Switch Protein Powders: Hydrolyzed isolate-types of protein powders are digested more easily as are minimally processed protein powders as any heat applied to the protein damages it and makes it harder to digest. You can also look for non-animal sources of protein. See which works best for you.
Stay Hydrated: Make sure that you drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. You may need more on hot days or if you are doing strenuous activities that cause you to sweat a lot for long periods of time. Your digestive system can't function well without water. Lack of proper hydration is often one of the causes of constipation leads to gas.
Exercise: Exercise helps to remove waste from your body and improves blood circulation. Both of those things have a positive impact on your gut and your overall health.
Reasons for farting include eating hard to digest foods, eating gas-producing foods, food intolerances or sensitivities, too much fiber, candida, and swallowing air. The top indications that something may be wrong is excessively stinky farts, diarrhea, cramps, and bloating.
Look out for frothy or bloody stools, constantly feeling weak or tired, changes in your menstrual cycle or sleep patterns as these also indicate possible health conditions. The top foods that can cause excessive gas include starchy foods and grains, cruciferous and sulfur-containing foods, sugar, processed foods, beans, and nuts.
You can reduce your flatulence by trying an elimination diet, eating probiotic foods, consuming apple cider vinegar, cooking food in healthy ways, avoiding sugar, lowering your carb intake and drinking enough water.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Why do I Fart so much?
Excessive flatulence can be caused by various factors such as dietary choices, swallowed air, digestive disorders, and certain medical conditions.
Q2. What Foods Should I Avoid to Reduce Flatulence?
Foods high in fiber, beans, cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cabbage), and carbonated beverages are known to increase gas production and may exacerbate flatulence.
Q3. Are there any Home Remedies to Alleviate Flatulence?
Yes, certain herbal teas (like peppermint or ginger), probiotics, and over-the-counter medications such as simethicone can help reduce gas and relieve discomfort.