What’s it for
How do I take them
What’s Inside?

When using this product, may I stop using my thyroid medication?
The majority of thyroid disorders are truly chronic autoimmune illnesses. You continue to experience thyroid symptoms as a result of taking thyroid medication. This supplement aims to lessen the symptoms and slow the spread of the illness by working on the root cause of it. After having your thyroid levels evaluated, you can gradually wean off your medication after making dietary and lifestyle changes.
If I don’t have thyroid issues can I still take Triple Thyroid care?
As per our supplement advisor and founder Palak Midha, this supplement is way more powerful than any multivitamin. If you are at the age of 30 or above this must be an addition to your routine. As, after 30 our body’s metabolism tends to slow down, due to we gain excess weight. Yes, it's needed for maintaining energy levels, supporting muscle mass, along with fulfilling mineral requirements, stabilizing mood, and autoimmunity.