The Role of Iodine for Thyroid: Everything You Need to Know
Have you recently been tired, confused, or otherwise not yourself? Perhaps you've heard that iodine helps support thyroid health, but you're unsure if it's true or not. Maybe you've heard that iodine helps support thyroid health, but you're unsure if it's true or not.
That is what we will explore in this article. By the end of this article, you'll know whether iodine for thyroid truly works or whether it is something that could increase the problem.
The thyroid is a small gland located in the neck that regulates many body processes, including metabolism, growth, and development. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that regulate metabolism, which influences many bodily processes.
If the thyroid gland does not function properly, it can cause a variety of health issues such as excess weight, tiredness, hair loss, and more.
Iodine is among a number of important vitamins and minerals that aid in restoring thyroid function. Iodine, a trace nutrient found in varying amounts in certain foods and supplements, is one of the crucial components required for proper thyroid function. And yes, hypothyroidism can be brought on by iodine deficiency (iodine insufficiency).
The goal of this blog post is to look into the role of iodine for thyroid health and whether iodine supplementation can benefit those with thyroid disorders. It will also go over the risks and benefits of supplementation of iodine for thyroid, as well as provide details on iodine sources and the recommended amount of iodine intake.
Importance of Iodine for Thyroid Function

The thyroid gland needs iodine to make thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which are necessary for metabolism regulation and overall body function.
When iodine levels are low, the thyroid gland is unable to produce sufficient thyroid hormones, resulting in an imbalance that can lead to a variety of health issues.
Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones, which are composed of iodine and the amino acid - tyrosine.
Thyroid hormones are in charge of many bodily functions, such as heart rate, body temperature, and food digestion.
When there is an iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland cannot generate enough thyroid hormones to fulfill the body's requirements, resulting in hypothyroidism. Excess weight, extreme tiredness, dry skin, loss of hair, and depression are all symptoms of hypothyroidism. Know more about 5 Hidden Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency.
The deficiency of Iodine can also result in Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder where your immune system attacks your thyroid. Iodine deficiency can also result in goiter, which is an increase in the size of the thyroid gland caused by the gland trying to compensate for the loss of iodine.
While iodine deficiency is uncommon in many developed countries, it remains a major public health issue in some parts of the world, particularly in areas with low iodine levels in soil and water such as India.
According to the National Institutes of Health, the recommended daily allowance for Iodine for Adults is 150 mcg.
What are the sources of Iodine for Thyroid?
Iodine is available from a wide range of sources, including food and supplements.
Seafood, Greek Yogurt, and Iodized Salt are the most important sources of iodine for thyroid in the diet. 225 grams serving of Greek yogurt contains about 60-70 mcg of Iodine.
Iodine is widely present in seafood, with seaweed and fish being among the most iodine-dense foods.
A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of seaweed, for example, can provide more than 11 times the average daily allowance of iodine. Iodine is also abundant in fish and shellfish, with cod and shrimp being among the best sources.
However, the majority of people in India consume vegetarian food and hence getting enough iodine for them might not be possible. For them, it is important that they take supplements of iodine for thyroid to maintain their thyroid function.
Iodized salt is another important source of iodine, particularly in regions where iodine deficiency is common. Iodized salt is regular table salt with additional iodine, and it can help people get enough iodine to boost proper thyroid function.
A Word of Caution: Iodized Salt also contains Sodium which can lead to high blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended that you take it in a minimal amount and use a supplement of iodine for thyroid to fill in your iodine requirement.
How are Iodine and Thyroid Related?
While iodine is required for proper thyroid function, too much of it can be harmful to thyroid health.
The thyroid gland requires a careful balance of iodine, and either too little or too much iodine can cause health issues - hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, respectively.
Excess iodine consumption can result in iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. Weight loss, fast heartbeat, nervousness, and loss of coordination are all symptoms of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism.
In contrast, iodine deficiency can result in hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland produces insufficient thyroid hormone. Excess weight, extreme tiredness, depressed mood, and cold intolerance are all symptoms of hypothyroidism.
When taking supplements of iodine for thyroid, it's important to follow the recommended dosage and safety guidelines provided by a healthcare provider.
When is iodine supplementation necessary?
In some circumstances, iodine supplementation may be required to sustain thyroid health. The following conditions demand for iodine supplementation:
Iodine deficiency: Iodine supplements may be advised if a person's diet does not contain enough iodine to assist prevent iodine deficiency and the resultant thyroid dysfunction.
Hypothyroidism: Iodine deficiency can occasionally be the cause of hypothyroidism. Supplemental iodine could support thyroid function under certain circumstances.
Pregnancy: To assist pregnancy outcomes, pregnant women need increased iodine intakes.
What are the other ways to take care of Thyroid Health?
There are additional nutrients and lifestyle choices that can promote thyroid function in addition to iodine, which is a crucial nutrient for thyroid health. These are some strategies for promoting thyroid health:
A diet that is well-balanced
Eating a range of foods that are high in nutrients is crucial for general health and can support thyroid function.
Foods high in iodine, such as seaweed, seafood, and other nutrients like selenium (present in Brazil nuts, seafood, and meat), zinc (found in oysters, and pumpkin seeds), and vitamin D (found in fatty fish, and egg yolks), are particularly good for thyroid function. Furthermore, try to avoid cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower as they contain goitrogens which can reduce iodine absorption, affect your thyroid health, and result in goiter and potentially contribute to hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. However, if you cannot avoid consuming cruciferous vegetables, try to cook and boil them in order to reduce the goitrogens effect.
Supplements for Thyroid
In addition to iodine, there are other supplements that may benefit thyroid health. Iodine supplements can assist in ensuring that the body receives enough of this important mineral. These include selenium, zinc, iron, vitamin D, and B vitamins. But taking all these supplements at once is a huge task and is next to impossible. Furthermore, the soil in India lacks iodine and the majority of people are vegetarian it can be difficult for them to consume seafood which can contribute to iodine deficiency leading to thyroid.
Therefore, I formulated a magical Triple Thyroid Care that contains Iodine derived from Sea Kelp and minerals like selenium, and zinc along with Ashwagandha in a single dose so that you won’t have to consume a variety of foods to get essential minerals for a healthy thyroid.
With Triple Thyroid Care, you get enough iodine as per your daily requirement. So, you can consume cruciferous vegetables once or twice in a week by properly heating or boiling them.
Wrapping Up
To summarize, iodine is a necessary nutrient for proper thyroid function, and a lack of iodine can result in thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. Thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, heartbeat, and digestion, require iodine to be produced. While supplements of iodine for thyroid may be necessary in some cases, it is critical to maintain a proper iodine balance because both iodine deficiency and too much iodine can cause health problems.
Iodine is found in seafood, Greek yogurt, and iodized salt, and adults should consume 150 mcg of iodine per day. Individuals should also consult with their healthcare provider before taking iodine for thyroid to ensure proper thyroid function. If you ever feel confused while taking iodine supplements, you can always consult my team at 86990-86991.