5 Quick Tips to Get Relief from PCOS
When we get acne, we often consult a dermatologist, and when we start to notice hair on our face and skin, we opt for laser treatments.
If we are experiencing hair loss, we will spend hundreds of hours searching for videos on how to grow hair.
The point is that there is a lot of information available on the internet, and we are constantly swinging between them in search of the best approach. There is no single answer to all of your problems.
In this blog, I am connecting all your dots to PCOS. I will discuss its causes, and whether it can be reversed.
What is PCOS?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as PCOS, is a condition in which women develop tiny cysts in their ovaries.
Although it is not a serious or dangerous condition, but with time if not treated, it can even lead to infertility and severe health problems.
Multiple cysts on the ovaries cause increased production of male hormones which are androgens, which leads to both internal and external male tendencies.
Studies suggest that around 70% of women with PCOS don’t know they have this syndrome. [1]
Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome differ from individual to individual. Some people have too much facial or body hair, while others experience hair loss.
Some people feel low, have acne and mood swings, and have irregular periods. Many people gain weight and struggle to lose it.
Causes of PCOS
PCOS is a lifestyle disorder. Increase in your male hormones is majorly caused by your sedentary lifestyle and lethargic routine with stress and disturbed sleep. Let us learn about these in detail.
- Unhealthy food choices
Due to our modern lifestyle, we are following the western cooking culture and food style and forgetting our traditional cooking.
Adding refined flour and processed food is the major cause of your lifestyle disorders.
- Lack of exercise or physical activity
Lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of hormonal imbalance. Physical activity balances your hormones, mood and also manages your weight, which is generally increased when you have PCOS.
- Genes
According to the research, a lot of genes contribute to it and it runs through families. [2]
- Insulin Resistance
Insulin is a hormone created by the pancreas to help the body use sugar from food as energy. When cells are unable to use insulin properly, the body's requirement for insulin increases. The pancreas generates more insulin to compensate.
Extra insulin stimulates the production of male hormones by the ovaries. Insulin resistance affects up to 70% of PCOS women, which means their cells can't properly use insulin. [3]
- Inflammation
Excessive levels of androgen cause inflammation in the body. Women with PCOS frequently have high levels of inflammation in their bodies. Obesity can also play a part in inflammation.
Fortunately, we can reverse the lifestyle disorders like PCOS by maintaining and balancing our lifestyle. It's the smallest things and the small differences that have a big impact on this condition.
PCOS Treatment
Here are 5 Quick Tips for PCOS Treatment
1) Get Enough Sleep

We do not value sleep as much as we should in today's day and age. Sleeping well for the appropriate amount of time is crucial when it comes to retaining hormones (the trigger for PCOS). [4]
When you sleep, your body and mind reset; consider its maintenance time. Stress levels decrease during this time, and because women with PCOS often have higher cortisol levels, a good night's sleep helps to maintain those levels.
2) A Healthy Diet is the Key
Many women who have successfully managed their PCOS have focused their efforts on dietary changes. This meant avoiding processed foods and shifting toward a more wholesome, nutrient-dense diet.
Junk foods, sugars, and saturated fats (cheese, fried foods, margarine etc) are known to result in weight gain (a PCOS trigger) and can even increase oestrogen production, and worsen existing symptoms. [5]
Choose desi ghee, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, and whole grains as part of your diet. As an alternative, consider eating starchy vegetables and fruits such as sweet potatoes and dates.
Anti-inflammatory foods are vital for PCOS treatment because they greatly lower inflammation in the body. This contains tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, nuts, berries, olive oil, turmeric, and other anti-inflammatory foods.
3) Exercise

Exercise is very important for keeping PCOS symptoms at bay. Choose something more calming and relaxing while still providing your body with good physical exertion. Yoga, or simply going for a run regularly will keep you active and help you reduce stress.
You can also subscribe to my channel Fit With Palak where I take up Workout and Yoga Sessions.
4) Good Mental Health Support
Aside from the physical trouble that PCOS causes in your body, the impact it has on your mental health is also quite negative. [6]
Whether it's the changes in your physical looks or how PCOS symptoms affect your self-esteem, having someone to share, discuss, and exchange stories with, makes living with PCOS feel more 'normal.' It's critical to remind yourself that you're not alone.
5) Taking a Supplement
Sometimes your body requires a little extra help to nourish itself from within! While a healthy diet is essential, taking supplements to supplement it will take things to the next level.
My PCOS Supplement contains Myo-inositol and D chiro inositol, L arginine, L methyl folate, selenium, chromium, zinc, berberine, and copper forming a powerful mix of nutrients for female health and well-being.
- Women with PCOS should be aware that they need to balance their insulin levels.
- A good relationship with your meals may help you control your insulin sensitivity. And hence, a healthy diet plan is essential.
- Working women may find it challenging to stick to their diet plans. You can download my free PCOS Diet Plan. You can find some helpful advice on how to keep your health.
[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19910321/
[2] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1385/ENDO:30:1:19
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3277302/
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6202781/
[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3752890/
[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5968645/