What's it for?
How do I take them?
What’s Inside?

How long must I consume this joint support supplement?
When you are rebuilding your joints, you can take the supplement at the same time as your exercise program without experiencing any side effects because all the ingredients are in low doses. If you are over 50 or have autoimmune issues, you should continue taking these joint support capsules; otherwise, at least three months are required.
I don't have any issues with my joints; can I still take joint pain tablets?
Whether or not you have a problem, these joint support capsules are designed for maintenance and supporting joints. Yes! Even if you don't have joint issues, you can still take our joint pain relief supplement.
I don't believe in taking painkillers as they usually have side effects.
In contrast to supplements, joint pain relief supplements are food-based, thus they don't have any negative side effects. Furthermore, joint pain tablets target the root cause, whereas drugs temporarily suppress the discomfort.
Will these joint pain tablets reduce my arthritis symptoms and provide complete joint support?
Yes, our joint support supplement will assist in reducing your joint pain, but for the best results, you must also take our build joints back supplement along with it. In case of any queries, you can call us at +91-86990-86991 (national) / +91-76529-22771 (International) for a more in-detail consultation.