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I have problems with my digestion; can I take this supplement?
Start your supplements in this situation by working on your gut first, and then you can start with a Protein shake. You can connect us at +91-86990-86991 (Domestic) / +91-76529-22771 (International) for a free and in-depth consultation with our health experts.
Can we use this for fatty liver?
Start taking Liver Detox to cleanse your liver, and then add protein shakes once your liver starts operating properly.
How long should we drink protein shakes?
The diet does not meet the daily requirement for protein, and even when we consume a high protein diet, we are still unable to obtain the recommended amounts of the 9 necessary amino acids from food. As your body needs it on a daily basis, you can take 1 scoop to fulfill the requirement.
Does it solve issues with hair loss?
Yes, occasionally a lack of protein in the diet, along with other causes, can lead to hair loss. Therefore, the appropriate requirements for protein and other vitamins should be met for the same.
Should I also take betaine HCL with my protein shake?
Take betaine HCL with you if you have acidity problems because it indicates you don't have enough acid to break down protein. You should take betaine HCL in between meals if you have problems farting after eating protein.
Are Miduty and Palak notes the same brand?
Yes, the brand's Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.