What’s it for?
How do I take them?
What’s Inside?

What is the flavor of this product?
It comes in a jal-jeera flavor.
My Doctor has recommended knee replacement; is there any way to avoid this?
By making lifestyle adjustments and adding Build Joint Back, you may be able to postpone or even avoid having to have knee replacement surgery altogether. Consult your physician after making these changes because there have been examples of people being able to rebuild their joints.
I have Joint pain; can I have this product?
Yes, it will support joint health as it has all the ingredients, but for pain, add Joint Pain Relief or Turmeric Matrix.
I want to exercise, but my joints don't support an extensive exercise routine. What should I do?
You need to build your joints to support the bone's health and start taking build joints back.
I am going through menopause, and my bones have started aching. What should I do?
After menopause, bones tend to deteriorate, and you might suffer from osteoarthritis. Start taking these supplements along with Vitamin ADK after menopause
Are Miduty and Palak notes the same brand?
Yes, the brand's Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.