What’s it for
How do I take them?
What’s Inside?

Will it help in digestion?
Yes, and will also help make better absorption of the other supplement.
We are already taking Betaine HCL, and Probiotics & Prebiotic Fiber. Do we still need to take a leaky gut powder?
Yes, this may help reverse the leaky gut by improving the production of tight junction proteins that defend against intestinal permeability.
Detected with an autoimmune condition. Is this one of the leaky gut symptoms?
Yes, autoimmune disease is virtually invariably linked to leaky gut syndrome. Repairing the lining of the digestive tract is an autoimmune disease symptom. Any additional treatment is only for symptom suppression.
Are Miduty and Palak notes the same brand?
Yes, the brand's Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.