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Does this supplement cause any side effects?
This might result in diarrhea, as it acts as a prebiotic. In that case, you can take it on alternative days, and that too 1.5 g in the morning and evening.
How are your UTI relief supplements different from any other brands available in the market?
Our UTI Relief supplement is made in the Liposomal form of D-mannose which directly reaches the target. The dosage which other brands are providing will take up to years to recover from UTI and this product contains enough amount of ingredients that
will help you recover from UTI in just 3 months.
How can I prevent urinary tract infections?
Women are more prone to UTIs than men. Lifestyle modifications like drinking plenty of water, urinating frequently (every two to three hours), wiping from front to back after using the restroom, urinating before and after intercourse, and drying clothing, etc. can help you stop UTIs.
How long will it take to cure my UTI?
You need to take UTI relief powder for at least 3 months or until the symptoms fade away.
Already taking antibiotics on a regular basis. Do I still need to take this?
Yes, as antibiotics are for temporary relief and your body can get resistant to antibiotics after a certain period of time. To reverse UTI permanently, you need to take a UTI relief supplement.
Are Miduty and Palak notes the same brand?
Yes, the brand's Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.