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What are the benefits of using your pcod problem treatment?
This product is helpful in creating hormonal balance, better egg quality, improving fertility, regular menstrual cycle, healthy ovarian function, and correcting PCOS.
Can I get pregnant if I have PCOD?
Definitely! PCOD is an imbalance of your hormones or a heavy toxic load in your body, so try taking liver detox first. For more info please call us at +918699086991 and get a free consultation.
How long does it take for it to show improvement in the period cycle?
It depends on person to person but on average, it would take a few months to restore your regular period cycle.
Just by taking this powder, can I reverse PCOS?
PCOD/PCOS is a lifestyle disorder that can be cured only with lifestyle changes and filling the nutritional gap with some dietary supplements. To reverse this condition one needs to follow the proper diet, supplementation, and exercise.
I have PCOS and fibroids, what PCOS medication do I need to take?
You need to start with liver detox for a month. For more information please connect with our health experts at +918699086991 for a free consultation.
Will I be able to lose weight after taking your PCOS treatment as I have infertility?
You are gaining weight because of hormonal imbalance. This supplement will help you to balance your hormones which will eventually help you with weight loss.
How fast can I see improvements if I take your pcod problem solution?
In the 1st month, you’ll be able to see changes in your period's cycle then will start to work on the rest of the symptoms. Stay in touch with our experts so that they can guide you according to your symptoms.
Are Miduty and Palak notes the same brand?
Yes, the brand's Palak Notes and Miduty are the same.