Autoimmune Hyperthyroid Treatment with Natural Diet and Supplements
Are you fed up taking thyroid medication because it isn't helping you overcome thyroid symptoms such as hair loss, excess weight, and fatigue?
80% of the people who think they have thyroid are actually suffering from autoimmune conditions. You might not be aware but you are suffering from autoimmunity.
Do you know what autoimmune thyroid disease is?
It refers to a group of illnesses that affect the thyroid gland, which releases hormones that are necessary for our body to work properly.
Autoimmune thyroid disease happens when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland causing inflammation and damage.
Why does Immune System Attack?
Normally, our immune system produces antibodies (proteins that protect you from foreign substances) to protect our body from foreign organisms. However, your immune system can mistakenly create antibodies against your own tissues thus attacking the immune system. This is how autoimmune diseases work.
Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are the two types of autoimmune thyroid diseases.
In Graves' disease, your immune system produces antibodies that resemble thyroid hormone. Because the antibodies imitate thyroid hormone, even though the level is high, the thyroid continues to produce additional thyroid hormones. [1]
Symptoms of Graves Disease
- Feeling Warm and Sweaty
- Weight loss
- Anxiety
- Nervousness
- Poor digestion
Hashimoto’s Disease is another type of autoimmune thyroid disorder. Your immune system produces antibodies that target the thyroid gland when you have Hashimoto's disease.[2]
It results in inflammation which also affects the thyroid's capacity to produce hormones. As a result, thyroid hormone levels decrease in the body.
Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Disease
- Goitre (Swelling in the neck)
- Tiredness
- Weight gain
- Feeling Cold
- Constipation
- Dry Skin & Hair
- Irregular Periods
Natural Remedies and Supplements
The purpose of natural remedies or alternative therapies is to treat the root cause of any disease.
Thyroid issues can occasionally develop as a result of:
- Unhealthy diet
- Stress or Anxiety
You may help your thyroid condition in three different ways: by altering your diet, reducing stress and by taking a supplement. Let’s discuss these in detail.
1. Eliminate Gluten and Sugar from Your Diet

In people with autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis, gluten-rich foods like wheat and barley can cause inflammation and lead to chronic digestive autoimmune problems like Celiac disease.[3]
You can add gluten-free foods to your diet as they have been shown to improve symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease.
Some of the gluten-free foods include:
- Poha
- Ragi
- Oats
- Buckwheat
- Bajra
High sugar in your diet will undoubtedly cause gut inflammation, as well as blood sugar fluctuations, weight gain, nervousness, and other symptoms. If you are going sugar-free, try using stevia as an alternative.
You can also download my autoimmune diet plan to get a full view of managing autoimmune hypothyroidism.
2. Eat Gut Healing FoodsThe thyroid and the gut have a close connection that impacts our overall health. The gut absorbs nutrients and eliminates waste, whereas the thyroid governs our energy and metabolism.
Inflammatory conditions and nutrient deficiencies can affect the thyroid if our gut is not healthy. Additionally, if the thyroid is not functioning properly, it can cause issues with gut health and nutrient absorption.
Best way to improve your Gut Health is to add Probiotics in your diet.
Probiotics promote gut health and immunity by balancing the bacteria in the digestive tract. They also help reduce inflammation and heal the intestinal lining which benefits your thyroid as well. [4]
Kefir, kimchi, idli, dosa, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods are excellent sources of probiotics.
Probiotics are the good bacteria that need to feed on prebiotics for survival. Hence, a pre-biotic supplement helps in the proper functioning of our gut as it contains both, prebiotics and probiotics.
3. Vitamin BVitamins assist in the fight against the underlying causes of thyroid problems. Vitamins in the 'B' family are required for normal thyroid function. Vitamin B12 is particularly beneficial to people suffering from hypothyroidism. [5]
Adding eggs, meat, fish, legumes, and nuts to your daily diet may help you maintain a steady supply of Vitamin B12.
Additionally, Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine, has many of the same thyroid health advantages as vitamin B12, including metabolism support.
Some foods which are rich in Thiamine are:
- Green Peas
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pistachios
A chewable vitamin B12 supplement can be useful as B12 is a water-soluble vitamin and our body removes it through urine. Chewable B12 supplements are more quickly and efficiently absorbed by the human body than traditional B12 supplements, that must be broken through the digestive system before they can be metabolized.
4. Vitamin DVitamin D helps in the proper functioning of your immune system. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to Hashimoto's disease, which is one of the leading causes of hypothyroidism. You need to make sure you have 50-70 nmol of vitamin D for optimal bone health and calcium absorption. [6]
15-20 minutes of sun exposure early morning in thin clothes is the best way to get vitamin D naturally.
Egg yolk, fish and sardines are some of the foods that are rich in Vitamin D.
The normal dosage of vitamin D for an adult is 600 IU per day.
Note: If you are taking a vitamin D supplement, it is important that you take vitamin K along with it as well. Vitamin K with D helps the body use calcium correctly to build bone rather than depositing it dangerously in arteries and soft tissue. Vitamin K actually protects the arteries by preventing plaque buildup and thus protecting against heart disease. You can find both of these vitamins in the A.D.K. Supplement.
5. Selenium

Selenium plays an important role in your thyroid health. Low levels of selenium can result in an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s disease.
Selenium benefits are very important; in fact, selenium has very strong antioxidant-like features. Selenium dramatically helps in the balance of T4 hormones in the body. [7]
Some of the natural sources of selenium are:
- Tuna
- Brazil Nuts
- Sardines
- Chicken
- Eggs
However, it may not be enough for you to get enough selenium through your diet considering the amount of selenium-rich foods you will have to eat. That is why it is recommended to take a selenium supplement. Selenomethionine is one of the best types of selenium supplements. This type of selenium is highly bioavailable, which means it is quickly absorbed by the body and can be utilized in a variety of biological processes.
Triple Thyroid Care contains Selenomethionine along with a blend of other nutrients like zinc, ashwagandha, and iodine which are essential for your thyroid health.
6. Reduce StressStress reduction is a great supportive treatment regardless of your health condition. This is especially true for hyperthyroidism, which is characterized by symptoms such as a higher heart rate, palpitations and nervousness.
As a result, learning to manage stress when you suffer from an autoimmune thyroid condition is critical to your long-term health.
What should you do to manage it?
Getting a good night's sleep can have a massive effect on your body and health. Adopt a strict bedtime routine and avoid using technology in the hours before bed.
Taking a moment to think or meditate can assist in the relaxation of the body. As a result, relaxation reduces stress and has less of an effect on your thyroid.
- The two most common autoimmune thyroid problems are Hashimoto’s Disease and Grave’s Disease.
- Choose a gluten-free diet. Gluten, a protein found in wheat, can trigger autoimmune reactions in people who are suffering from thyroid. By eliminating gluten from their diet, individuals with autoimmune thyroid diseases may experience a reduction in symptoms and inflammation.
- Selenium supplementation can improve thyroid function and reduce the severity of autoimmune thyroid disease symptoms.
- Chronic stress can harm thyroid function and worsen autoimmune symptoms.
- Stress-relieving activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can benefit your overall health.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3474632/
[2] https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/endocrine-diseases/hashimotos-disease
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9101474/
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7353203/
[5] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27222404/
[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7551884/
[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5307254/