Is Root Canal Dangerous? | Find Your Answers
A healthy smile is characterized by healthy teeth and gums. It can increase our self-esteem and impact our social lives, careers, and relationships. As a result, it only makes sense to pay attention and take care of dental health care as much as possible. Isn’t it?
What if we avoid taking proper care of our oral health?
Remember when you avoid your favourite foods like ice cream or sweets? That is because of either your sensitivity or your discomfort in the gums. This is nothing! But the infection in your teeth is due to poor oral health.
This is because an infection in the teeth can hamper our basic mouth abilities like chewing and speaking which is why it is important to treat a mouth infection as soon as possible.
When we have an infection or a problem in our teeth, we look for various ways to get rid of it. We go to the dentist several times and have costly dental procedures to get free of the infection. When the infection becomes severe and the cavity grows larger, dentists generally advise us to undergo root canal treatment.
Although modern root canals are not something to be afraid of, many people see this dental surgery as the scariest and most painful and tend to avoid it
In this article, I will explain what is a root canal treatment, what are its risks, and what are the natural ways to care for your teeth to avoid a root canal procedure.
What is a Root Canal Treatment?
A root canal is a process in which the dentist numbs the tooth and nearby area of the gum, creates a tiny hole in the damaged tooth, and removes the plaque and tartar (the black and yellow material) that is forming in the center, or pulp of the tooth or, more commonly, in the root of the tooth.
After the plaque is removed, the cavity on the top of the tooth is filled with a filling.
The treatment can be time-consuming due to its complex nature, but with new, enhanced equipment and pain-relieving medicines, it is just slightly painful.
What are the Signs that Your Teeth are Infected?
Infection in the mouth happens due to the imbalance of pH in the mouth. When your mouth becomes more acidic, the bacteria in your mouth stick to your teeth causing infection, plaque, or a cavity in your teeth.
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your dentist right once. The sooner you go and get your tooth fixed, the better the results will be.
1. Continuous Pain in the TeethOne of the signs that you may need a root canal is continuous tooth pain. The pain in your tooth may trouble you all the time, or it may go away for a while but then return.
You may feel deep pain in the bone of your tooth. You may also suffer pain in your cheek, jaw, or other teeth.
Other than a root canal, tooth discomfort can have a variety of causes. Other alternatives include:
- Gum disease
- A cavity
- Pain due to a sinus
- A damaged filling an infected impacted tooth
If you have tooth pain, whatever the cause, you should see your dentist, especially if the pain is severe. Early detection and treatment of tooth pain usually result in better results.
2. Sensitivity to Cold and HeatDoes it hurt when you try to eat hot foods or sip a cup of coffee? Sensitivity might cause a dull aching or immediate pain. If the pain stays for an extended period, even after you stop eating or drinking, you may require a root canal.
If your tooth hurts when you eat or drink anything hot or cold, it could mean that your tooth's blood vessels and nerves are infected or damaged.
3. Swelling in GumsSwollen gums near a painful tooth may indicate a problem that requires a root canal. The swelling may appear and disappear. When you touch it, it may be tender or it may not be unpleasant.
Swelling is generated by acidic waste products of dead tissue, which can cause swelling outside the root tip area.
4. Loose TeethWhen you have an infection in your tooth, it may feel loose. This can be caused by factors other than nerve death, but it can be an indication that a root canal is required.
Dangers of a Root Canal Treatment
Although modern root canals are a normal and safe dental surgery, some dangers are involved.
A root canal involves entering the most delicate section of a tooth, which also provides the source of nutrition and blood flow for the tooth to "remain alive." The tooth roots maintain the tooth in place in the jawbone. Piercing these highly critical and fragile regions of the tooth poses risks such as infection and tooth loss.
- It is difficult to entirely remove the infected pulp
It is impossible to guarantee that all of the dead tissue or infected pulp has been removed. This is due to the presence of microtubules which are tiny nerves in the tooth structure that allow infections to spread. As a result, even with the dentist's equipment, it is impossible to reach all of the tooth structure's very tiny tissue.
- Affects the Side Canals
A root canal procedure destroys the infection that is causing the pain and replaces it with filling material.
You may believe that removing the diseased pulp has resolved your issues, but this is not the case.
There are several areas around the gum that the dentist does not examine throughout the treatment. When the tooth's root is removed, these side areas become infected and decay. This encourages the spread of illness and bacteria. [1]
- Transmission of Infection
Because it is not possible to eliminate the infection or germs during the surgery, some of them will stay inside the tooth.
As a result, the bacteria are left in the mouth without oxygen and all blood flow begins to survive on dead tissue. However, this bacteria begins to spread after some time and spreads throughout the body.
- Chronic inflammation and Illnesses
One risk of root canal therapy is the development of life-threatening disorders like chronic inflammation. [2]
As previously said, bacteria remain in some parts of the mouth even after the surgery is completed. Antibiotics are given to you by the dentist to deal with infections and other related issues. However, antibiotics have their own set of side effects and may not always relieve swelling and discomfort.
Natural Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay and Avoid Root Canal Treatment
It is best if you can take the teeth out if it is already damaged due to the infection but if you do not want to take your teeth out, there are ways you can stop the infection over the years and prevent a root canal procedure.
- Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is ancient Indian folk medicine that helps to whiten teeth, refresh breath, and significantly improve dental health.
Oil pulling using coconut oil is becoming incredibly common. Many people swear by this cure, and many feel it benefits their health in other ways.
Oil pulling can be done with almost any oil, although extra-virgin coconut oil is a common choice because of its pleasant taste. It also has antibacterial characteristics, which may help to reduce the number of harmful bacteria in your mouth, as well as plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. You should do oil pulling for 10-15 minutes a day. [3]
- Go for Removable Bridges
Dental Bridges are devices that are linked to existing teeth to replace lost teeth. They are used to fill the gap that a missing tooth leaves behind. They are also known as partial dentures and can help you complete your bite and enhance your smile.
Removable dental bridges are one of the greatest solutions if you want to replace one or more of your teeth at a low cost.
Removable dental bridges fit over your natural teeth easily. If you receive this type of dental bridge, you'll have to take it out every day to clean it. Most people prefer moveable bridges to fixed bridges because they are less expensive. Furthermore, there is no need for surgery with removable bridges.
- Gum Massage
You can keep your gums healthy and disease-free by massaging your gum line.
Gum Massage improves blood flow in the gums, which keeps them healthy and powerful.
Over time, plaque and tartar can form on your teeth and gums, causing gum disease and other dental issues. Massage your gum line to clear the tartar and plaque from your gums and keep them healthy. [4]
How to do a Gum Massage?
Now that you understand the importance of massaging your gum line, let's go through how to do it correctly. Here are a few pointers:
- When massaging, use light pressure. You don't need to use much force!
- Every day, massage for at least two minutes.
- Move in a circular motion from the inner to the outside of your gum line.
- Make sure to massage the entire gum line, including the front, back, and top.
- Cloves
Cloves have antimicrobial and pain-killing effects. They are a popular component in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine, where they have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of illnesses.
Cloves are said to be particularly beneficial in the treatment of dental problems. [5]
If you have a toothache, you can use dried cloves to relieve it. To relieve toothache discomfort, insert dried cloves between the painful tooth and your cheek.
- Neem Bark
Chewing neem is an old and traditional practice for keeping your gums strong and your teeth healthy. This natural neem toothbrush fights tooth and gum disease, reduces cavities, and improves oral health greatly. [6] Neem bark is also used in toothpaste and tooth powders and is beneficial in the treatment of oral infections.
- Vitamin D and K2
Taking a Vitamin ADK Supplement can help you fight oral infections, such as tooth infections. It's because calcium in our bodies doesn't know where it should go, and calcium transportation is highly dependent on Vitamin D and Vitamin K2, which can optimize calcium utilization in the body. [7]
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4948527/
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4601489/
[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25838632/
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4158583/
[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4441161/
[7] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25817876/