Understanding What is Leaky Gut and Leaky Gut Syndrome: Deep Dive Into Symptoms and Solutions!
According to a survey, 56% of Indian families suffer from digestive health issues.
Whenever I interact with someone, I can tell from their mood whether the person is having a gut problem or not because there is a direct relationship between the gut and the brain.
The bacteria in our digestive tract have more power than we realize. They have a direct relation to your brain and can influence your emotions, learning and memory, weight, digestive health, and other functions.
Our Gut has Two Types of Bacteria: Good Bacteria and Bad Bacteria.
Good bacteria are responsible for the smooth functioning of the gut and maintaining our mental focus and metabolism. You could, however, develop a leaky gut if the bad bacteria gain control and a person may feel stressed, anxious, and low on energy.
A leaky gut can also result in a number of issues that influence performance, ranging from immune system problems to weight issues to mental fogginess. The great news is that these issues can be reversed and leaky gut syndrome symptoms can be fixed.
Keep on reading this article till the end where I will discuss the major leaky gut symptoms, and how you can reverse them. Let us understand first "What a Leaky Gut Is?"
What is a Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Leaky gut is more of a hypothetical condition which is usually not acknowledged as a medical diagnosis.
Our gut lining is semi-permeable and allows only specific components like water and nutrients through, while a condition where it allows the movement of toxins, unwanted nutrients, or any of the disease-causing microbes is what leaky gut is.
So for instance, when the permeability of our gut increases and it allows unwanted components to move through, it means it "leaks". This condition may lead to the entry of toxins into our bloodstream.
What Causes Leaky Gut?
You may get a leaky gut if the intestinal lining gets damaged. There is no specific reason for this breaching of gut lining, but several risk factors which may cause leaky gut.
Such major risk factors include:
- Chronic Inflammatory Conditions, like Celiac Disease and IBD
- Low Quality Diet which is low in fiber and high in sugar
- Food Allergies
- High Triglycerides and Cholesterol (fats)
- Diabetes
- Liver Issues
- Obesity
- Stress
- Certain Medications, like Antibiotics, Steroids, or OTC painkillers
Your diet is often to blame for a leaky gut. Certain foods, such as gluten, soya, and dairy, are perceived by the body as foreign particles, triggering the body to produce antibodies that cause leaky gut symptoms as an immune response such as diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, and joint pain.
Common Leaky Gut Symptoms
There are a number of leaky gut symptoms and a majority of them don't seem to be related to each other at all. However, if you have a number of the signs on this list, your gut lining is probably damaged, and you should use the remedies at the end of this article to boost it.
- Digestive Issues like Bloating, Gas, Burning sensation in Stomach, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) [2]
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain or discomfort
- Asthma
- Mood Swings [3]
- Unstable Blood Sugar Levels
- Weight Loss
- Sleeping Disorders like Insomnia
- Skin Issues such as Eczema, Psoriasis
Because your gut is linked to your brain, metabolic activity, digestive health, immune system, and hormonal system, these leaky gut symptoms can have far-reaching consequences for your performance.

How to Treat Leaky Gut?
80 percent of your immune system lies in your digestive tract and it is essential to build your immune system in order to treat leaky gut. So to minimize the leaky gut symptoms, you should switch to healthy food habits, which will help you enhance your immunity and gut health.
There should be a good balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut to support a healthy gut. A person can take control of the good bacteria in their gut if they:
- Avoid using painkillers and medications. Instead of these medications, they can use turmeric for inflammation.
- Consume good and healthy fats like desi ghee and coconut oil and minimize the use of dairy products. You can go to my website and download any diet plan for free.
- Avoid Gluten as it can affect your stomach lining and cause inflammation.
- Avoid taking sugar as it can contribute to affecting your metabolism, and can cause inflammation in your digestive tract.
- Research shows consuming probiotics helps in getting relief from leaky gut symptoms as they feed good bacteria in your gut to grow. [4]
- Take suitable supplements to help you with leaky gut symptoms.
How to Choose Right Supplements for a Leaky Gut?
There are numerous supplements for leaky gut in the market, and selecting the right one can be difficult. There are some things you should be aware of in order to make an informed decision. All of the supplements listed below have shown promising results in treating the leaky gut syndrome symptoms.
L- Glutamine
Glutamine is an essential amino acid. It is best known in the digestive tract for aiding in the repair of the intestinal lining. Research suggests, Glutamine can help intestinal cells grow and survive. It may also aid in the regulation of the digestive system during times of stress. [5]
L-Glutamine also helps in:
- Weight Loss
- Removing Toxins
- Heal leaky gut symptoms along with ulcers
DGL Extract
DGL extract (deglycyrhhizinated licorice extract) also known as Mulethi extract is found to be very beneficial for gastric health. It has anti-inflammatory properties with which it helps in treating the inflammations which is a major leaky gut symptom. Also, DGL extract stimulates the production of mucus in stomach lining.
Slippery Elm Bark
Slippery Elm contains gooey substances known as mucilages, which help glue the holes in the small intestine together, thus helping repair leaky gut. According to research, it stimulates nerve endings, which increases mucus secretion and thus neutralizes excess acidity in the intestinal tract and soothes ulcers. [6]
Supplements may assist in reversing the leaky gut symptoms if you have been diagnosed with the leaky gut syndrome. However, getting every supplement and taking them separately at various times might be a difficult job. This is the reason we created the supplement, which comes in a single package and contains L-glutamine, DGL extract, slippery elm bark, aloe vera, zinc, and copper all packed in one fine pack. It may work wonders for all your gut issues. Also, you can take it along with our prebiotics and probiotics fiber for maximum benefits.
(Directions For Use: Take 1 scoop of 10 grams every day along with 250 ml of water, or as directed by the healthcare professionals.)
- Leaky Gut is just a fancy name. In simple terms, there is a leakage or holes in the stomach lining which results in toxins flowing through your bloodstream.
- 90% of the problems like joint pain, thyroid, PCOS, and cancer start from your gut. [1]
- Stress, poor diet, and toxins in the environment all contribute to the appearance of leaky gut symptoms.
- Sugar feeds bad bacteria and promotes bacterial overgrowth, all of which harm your digestive system.
- One of the most effective strategies to enhance the important intestinal bacteria is by naturally increasing fiber intake.
- Your gut can be strengthened by considering a supplementation that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals needed to cure the leaky gut symptoms.
- Your gut lining may in particular benefit from the use of vitamin D and the amino acid L-glutamine.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What are some common leaky gut symptoms?
Leaky gut syndrome, which is also known as increased permeability can show various symptoms like digestive issues, mood imbalances, disturbed immune system, weight loss, etc.
Q2. How can I work on my leaky gut?
The simplest way to cure your leaky gut is by feeding your gut bacteria well. Add more fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics to your food. And, limit the consumption of processed foods, and manage stress.
Q3. Which is the best supplement for a leaky gut?
Treating a leaky gut becomes easier if you make dietary changes along with the right supplementation. Helpful supplements to treat leaky gut symptoms include L-Glutamine, Probiotics, DGL extract, Slippery Elm Bark.